Saturday 14 March 2015


Healthy eating means consuming the right quantities of foods from all food groups in order to lead a healthy life.

And yes, it is up to ourselves that if we choose to consume a healthy diet by maintaining a diet chart and waiving off to the Doctors while passing by and not taking an appointment with them, luckily.

Everybody is seeking medical advice to maintain good health and good life in modern age. It is itself said and even taught to us since our childhood that a healthy brain resides in a healthy body. We have been told and guided time to time to devote some time out of our routine for our body to lead a healthy life. Even as an example we get to see that if the right quality and quantity of nutrition is served upon plants, then they give the expected production in result. Exactly the same is the condition with our body that the right quality and quantity of food we consume, our body works out as efficiently as much nutrition it gets from the food consumed.

One should even not forget that when we eat our food may matter as much as what we eat. Even it is advised to us time to time by our grandparents and parents to time our meals. All the diets in the world won’t help you if you don’t eat on time. A food time table plays an important role in it.

Morning:             Within 10 minutes of waking up, have two glasses of lukewarm water. For breakfast around 15-30 minutes later, have large portions of fresh fruits along with complex carbs such as multigrain bread, oats or high fiber cereals. You can sip a cup of Green tea with breakfast. If you like to have eggs in your breakfast then go for the organic one or even you can go for sweetened brown rice. A sprinkle of grounded flax seeds can add a lot of health benefits.

Mid-morning: Two hours later, have a glass of lemon juice, coconut water, fruit or vegetable juice. You can go for nuts like almonds and walnut. Fruit like apple, banana, orange or any other fruit you like is the best mid morning snack.

Lunch: Two-three hours later, have large portions of salad, a small portion of brown rice or a couple of rotis, with little sabzi, dal and some protein (cereals, pulses or lean meat).

Evening snack: This is the time when hunger in the tummy knocks at the door and eating something heavy is not so good at that time. So, keeping in mind this main fact, two-three hours later to Lunch, snack on green tea and roasted khakra, idli or dosa
are the better options to try.

Dinner: Two-three hours later, have a soup, salad, some complex carbs and protein and even if it is said that one should start eating smart to stay smart and energetic. Smart eating habits may lead towards a long and healthier life.

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